A few weeks ago, we had a big snow storm that dropped a little over a foot of snow in two days. We haven't gotten much snow this year which is a little unusual, so, with this January snow storm, the kids were ready to get outside and build a snowman. I too was excited to build our first snowman of the winter and had grand ideas about how awesome he would look in our front yard...you know...kind of like a Christmas card. Our plan was to roll three perfect snow balls, stack them on each other just so, add the perfect face (bark-eyes, carrot-nose, grapes-mouth--all decided and picked out before we headed out) and finish it off with a cute blue striped scarf. This was going to be the best snowman EVER!!!
Like all best laid plans, that didn't happen. After the snow storm, the weather warmed up a bit and we got a fresh layer of ice on top of the snow. Every time we tried to start a big snowball, the snow would crumble and fall off. It was impossible to roll a snowball (it was however really good snowball making snow for a snowball fight.) So, instead of our perfect snowman we built a tiny "snow blob" with a head. We all worked together to pile the snow into a blob and formed a nice round head out of the snow. Those carefully picked out face parts still donned our "blob" and that blue striped scarf really did finish him off.
Although he wasn't what we had pictured (what really ever is), we loved him and we were proud to have him inhabit our yard. He is a cute little guy isn't he? I think the rosy cheeks and smiles say it all. It's not the end result that matters, its the process and the time spent together that is most important.