Monday, February 7, 2011

The Maid Is In!

Some days you just feel like your purpose in life is to constantly clean, do laundry and nothing else. Mondays are those kind of days for me. Luckily my little ones keep things interesting and keep me laughing.

My daughter and I just returned from a fun "girls weekend" to attend my sister-in-law's baby shower. It was a great weekend being together with the girls. We enjoyed a fun stay at a hotel and of course this morning, my daughter decided she wanted to play "hotel" with her brother. Both would take turns going back and forth between rooms knocking on the doors and pretending. Being Monday, the beds were stripped and I was busy sorting and washing dirty laundry. When the kids beds were ready to be made, I found myself right in the middle of their play. With arms full or warm bed sheets I tapped on the door and hollered "Room service! I need to make the beds!" My daughter giggled with delight and gladly let me in. That was just the start. All morning she asked to do things to make her stay at the hotel nice and took joy in ordering me around. What was really fun though is that she didn't want to call me Mommy, so decided since I was working for "the hotel" she would just call me "Room Service." Once while I passed her while heading back to the bed room to fold clothes, she matter of factly said "Hi, Room Service," For some reason this just made me chuckle. What a little knuckle head!


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